Dedicated to man’s ability to envision, create and utilize ever more complex tools
HEADER IMAGE: Circuit: Computer Circuit Board by Yuri Samoilov is licensed under CC by 2.0
Dedicated to man’s ability to envision, create and utilize ever more complex tools
HEADER IMAGE: Circuit: Computer Circuit Board by Yuri Samoilov is licensed under CC by 2.0
We rely more and more on electronic devices to manage our daily lives, everything from refrigerators to cell phones, automobiles to sewage plants. What if all those devices stopped working… simultaneously? Couldn’t happen, you say? […]
With the invention of the automobile the travelling public lost a valuable safety feature– the common sense of the horse pulling the carriage. If the driver fell asleep or tried to drive off the road, […]
Years ago, I remember reading about people who engraved poetry on the head of a pin, or on a grain of rice. That level of miniaturization pales in comparison with nanobots, however— machines that function […]
In just the last century and a half, mankind has harnessed two transformative energy sources, electricity and petroleum. Envision the world as it existed before that. Without electricity, information moved no faster than a horse could travel. […]
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