It’s not just cats getting fat
The “obesity epidemic” came upon us suddenly. It began roughly 1978, rapidly accelerated until 1997, then leveled off. When it began, about 32% of the population was overweight, another 13% were obese, and a scant […]
The “obesity epidemic” came upon us suddenly. It began roughly 1978, rapidly accelerated until 1997, then leveled off. When it began, about 32% of the population was overweight, another 13% were obese, and a scant […]
Years ago, I remember reading about people who engraved poetry on the head of a pin, or on a grain of rice. That level of miniaturization pales in comparison with nanobots, however— machines that function […]
And the ocean– how big is that? Pretty big, as it turns out. Not big compared to the universe, or even our galaxy, but compared to what you see out your window? Pretty big. There […]
Many years ago I asked my brother, an astronomer, this question. I expected to hear “millions” or even “billions”. A big number, surely, but just remotely possible to comprehend. He shrugged somewhat apologetically and admitted […]
In just the last century and a half, mankind has harnessed two transformative energy sources, electricity and petroleum. Envision the world as it existed before that. Without electricity, information moved no faster than a horse could travel. […]
“You’ll never hear the bullet that kills you.” True. And by the same token, you’ll never see the disease that ends your life. Tiny and pervasive, the viruses and bacteria and fungi that invisibly permeate the […]
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